You people must have seen the ambulance playing a siren with blue light or red light. But have you ever thought that the ...
Home Archives for August 2018
Have You Ever Wondered Why The 'Ambulance Word' On The Ambulance Is Written In Reverse ?? | क्या आपने कभी सोचा है कि एम्बुलेंस पर 'एम्बुलेंस शब्द' उल्टा क्यों लिखा होता है ??
Why advocate black and doctor wear white coat?? | वकील काले और डॉक्टर सफेद कोट ही क्यों पहनते हैं??
7:50 AM
You will meet lawyers and doctors. But have you ever thought why the lawyer black coats wear the doctor white coat? ...
Journey of Cards | पत्तों की यात्रा
7:52 AM
Playing cards were invented by the chinese before AD1000. They reached ‘Europe’ around1360 not directly from china but from t...
Invention of a Plastic | प्लास्टिक की खोज
3:09 AM
The first man-made plastic was created by 'Alexander Parkes' who publicly demonstrated it at the 1862 "Great I...
Why do we dream?? | हमें सपने क्यों आते हैं??
8:50 AM
Dreams come to everyone, sometimes good is bad, but why are we dreaming? Have you ever thought about this? If you do not th...
The Story Of The World's Most Dangerous "Flu". | दुनिया के इतिहास की सबसे खतरनाक "Flu" की कहानी
5:04 AM
Friends, about 100 years ago today, that in September 1918, the outbreak of such a fatal disease was the first, in which aro...
Story of Eyeglasses | चश्मे की कहानी
7:59 AM
World's First Eyelasses Today's Eyeglasses There are many dilemmas about invention of glasses. According to so...
Invention of T.V. | टीवी का आविष्कार
7:15 AM
One of the most popular inventions of 21st century has been surrounded by controversies. Television, which has become an in...
Who invented the fridge?? | फ्रिज का आविष्कार किसने किया??
6:25 AM
We have heard about the invention of a lot of things and have read about inventions who have invented all the things, hav...
Do you know where the names of the days meet their names?? | क्या आपको पता है कि सप्ताह के दिनों को उनके नाम कहां से मिले??
6:55 AM
Hi friends, I am your friend Rahul Wadekar welcomes to all of you in my knowledge blog. Friends, do you all know that on...
Do you know about Jantar Mantar of Rajasthan ?? | क्या आप जानते हैं राजस्थान के जंतर मंतर के बारे में ??
4:51 AM
OMG! There is such a unique timepiece, which tells about the sun's direction. The pride of this state, famous for its...
History of Computer Virus | कंप्यूटर वायरस का इतिहास
8:16 AM
After the invention of the computer, there was a lot of change in technology. But as soon as the computer-virus was invented....
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