Why does not sleep first time in the new place?? | नई जगह पहली रात क्यों नहीं आती है नींद??

          Often people do not sleep when they go to a new place. A new research in this regard has shown that this is actually due to the waking of the other half of the brain compared to half of the brain. Let's find out in detail that there is a lot of elitism in the new place and why it is so good.

Research On Sleep

          In this study, researchers monitored the brain of 35 such people who had spent many nights in the sleep lab with the help of advanced brain imaging technology. Results showed that during the first night, the left hemisphere of the brain was more active compared to the right hemisphere of the brain during sleep. 

          Research also found that, the greater the difference between brain activity between the two hemispheres, the more difficult it becomes for the person to sleep. Along with this, when the researchers played the beep sound of both of these people, the people woke up easily when the sound was sounded in his right ear (which stimulates the left hemisphere). However, researchers are planning to study more to better understand this phenomenon. They will use it to properly install what efforts can be made to improve sleep on the first night at the new place. 

Like a Whale And a Dolphin Is Brain 

           According to researchers, this difference in brain activity is not dramatic and is similar to those of marine mammals that close half of the brain while sleeping. Co-authors and Associate Professor at Brown University, Yuka Saski says, "The conclusions show that even in our brain there may be a small arrangement like whales and dolphins."

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