Nickelous Kris | निकेलियस क्रिस

10:11 AM 0
     Is an asymmetrical dagger with distinctive blade patterning achieved through alternating laminations of iron and nickelous iron (p...

Do you know about c ++?? | क्या आप c++ के बारे में जानते हैं??

3:03 AM 0
Introduction to C++ Language           C++ is the “Object Oriented Language”. It Show the high level features since it is high lev...

Why does not sleep first time in the new place?? | नई जगह पहली रात क्यों नहीं आती है नींद??

3:14 AM 0
          Often people do not sleep when they go to a new place. A new research in this regard has shown that this is actually due to the ...

Who made Hollywood?? | हॉलीवुड को किसने बनाया?? Part 2

12:06 PM 0
          Mister Whitley Here began the work of developing this area together with a prominent businessman Mister Ivar Weid. Then in th...

Who made Hollywood?? | हॉलीवुड को किसने बनाया??

10:35 PM 0
          Friends can not live without looking at the glamorous world of Hollywood, nobody gets attracted by it. In this world, there...

Have You Ever Wondered Why The 'Ambulance Word' On The Ambulance Is Written In Reverse ?? | क्या आपने कभी सोचा है कि एम्बुलेंस पर 'एम्बुलेंस शब्द' उल्टा क्यों लिखा होता है ??

8:00 AM 0
          You people must have seen the ambulance playing a siren with blue light or red light. But have you ever thought that the ...

Why advocate black and doctor wear white coat?? | वकील काले और डॉक्टर सफेद कोट ही क्यों पहनते हैं??

7:50 AM 0
          You will meet lawyers and doctors. But have you ever thought why the lawyer black coats wear the doctor white coat? ...
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